Dairy - Dont lose your keys

Friday, July 1

We believe that you should write a dairy or journal in a book to help you learn English better. Of cause do not write anything nasty about your employer.( We would not be responsible for anything ) 

Diaries are great ways to keep track of your past and think about your future. You can make predictions about what will happen and see if they come true, and you can see how you changed over time, and read over memories, having a few laughs. Anyone can write a diary. If you don't want anyone else to read it or find it, hide it somewhere you know that anyone won't find it. Just follow these simple steps.


  1. 1
    Understand that eventually the diary will become your best friend, silent confessor, or witness. you will eventually trust your diary with anything. even your biggest secrets.

  2. 2
    You should put the date or some sequence information in the diary, maybe at the top of the page. (example: 12-11-2007) Other ways might be 12:11:07, day # 123 of my life, or you can put the year at the corner of the page to show that it all takes place in the year. If all else fails, just write 12:11.
  3. 3
    Start writing the diary only if you really have interest in it. Do not just start writing because your friends are writing.
  4. 4
    If you are writing a diary for the first time, always start with a small one. For the first few days you may love writing in the big diary, but after weeks the thought of writing may daunt you. If you have already written a diary and are totally into it, then buy a fatter one. Try to buy diaries with locks because they are safer, but do not lose the key!
  5. 5
    Try to write your diary at night because in that way, you can describe the entire day and schedule. There is now point writing a diary when you wake up because the only thing you can write about is your dreams.
  6. 6
    If you want, you can stick stickers on various pages or draw some doodles to express how you feel about something/someone.
  7. 7
    Start writing! Write about how you feel and why you feel that way. You can write about any celebration or disaster that happened that day. Or you can write freely. Put your pen to the page and write whatever is on your mind. Write cool facts, important information, advice, tips, ideas, crafts, recipes, anything you want to keep secret...the list goes on and on.
  8. 8
    Start with the morning. Describe how it went and do not leave out any detail. If you wanted the day to go better, write how and why. If you have a special grudge against somebody, have no fear in expressing it. Move on to the afternoon, then the evening and finally the night. Always say good night in the end and promise to tell more later.
  9. 9
    If you are not following tip no. 8 and 9, and just writing in a paragraph about the incidents happening in your life, then you can use a fancy book mark (similar to your diary) to keep a record till where you have written and you can read back at your writings if you are writing after a few days.
  10. 10
    If you have not written in the diary for a few weeks, then do not worry about it. You can surely put up the new date and give the reason and apologize for it. After all, it is your friend! For example, - Sorry I could not write to you. I was terribly busy.
  11. 11
    Always think that the diary is a real person and not a non-living creature.
  12. 12
    Add some doodles like a smiley face or anything that shows how you feel. You should only do this if you want to. It does make it more fun for some people. Another suggestion might be to draw your own portrait or picture. You also might want to write some more about how your day went. Was it generally positive or negative?
  13. 13
    Do not write bluff. Always write truthfully. This diary will always listen, never forget, never judge and nor will it ever reveal your secrets. So do not worry about writing the truth in it no matter how horrible it is.
  14. 14
    Write about how you wish your day went. Say what you think would make it better. (Example: You got a B on your test today. You wish you had a B+)
  15. 15
    Close with your name. You can also add your signature. If you want to, end your entry with "Bye" or "Good night." Remember that this is completely optional.
  16. 16
    You can also stick some souvenirs like photos, flower petals or anything associated with what happened that day to be more creative. If you went to an amusement park or concert,you might even want to tape in your ticket stub!
    • Sticking an envelope into your diary can be a great way to safely keep photos, tickets, postcards, etc.
  17. 17
    Write truthfully in your diary. Write about your secrets which you cannot expose in front of others. It can be about your ex-boyfriend (or girlfriend), something you saw on TV, or an old friend. It should be whatever you are and how it can relate back to you.
  18. 18
    Try something of your own. for example, you can write at the end of every day "The lesson I have learned is that when life gives you lemons..." and write a different ending to the sentence every day. Be creative.
  19. 19
    Congratulations! You have successfully written a diary. Make sure that you keep it hidden from sneaky siblings. Better yet, don't tell them you even have a diary. Remember that your diary is a part of you, and the point of keeping a diary is so that you can refer back to it in the future.